9 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Backman, Fredrik" and Collection = Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt

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  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Backman, Fredrik ; Werner, Stefanie
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20170126
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Backman, Fredrik ; Werner, Stefanie
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20160623
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Backman, Fredrik ; Werner, Stefanie
    1., Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20140821
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Backman, Fredrik ; Rieck-Blankenburg, Antje
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20171026
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Backman, Fredrik ; Werner, Stefanie
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20150625
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    3 Fredrik-Backman-Bestseller in einem Bundle
    Backman, Fredrik ; Werner, Stefanie
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER digiBook, 20180822
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Backman, Fredrik ; Rieck-Blankenburg, Antje
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20190828
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Backman, Fredrik ; Werner, Stefanie
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20190828
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Backman, Fredrik ; Rieck-Blankenburg, Antje
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20190828