3 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Köhring, Alexandra" and Collection = Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt

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  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Modern Sport in Soviet Culture and Society
    Katzer, Nikolaus (Ed.) ; Budy, Sandra (Ed.) ; Köhring, Alexandra (Ed.) ; Zeller, Manfred (Ed.)
    Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20101004
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    Russland und die Sowjetunion in der Globalgeschichte 1851-1991
    Aust, Martin (Ed.)
    Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20130516
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    Erschöpfungszustände in der Kunst des Sozialismus
    Rüthers, Monica (Ed.) ; Köhring, Alexandra (Ed.)
    Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20140410