4 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Scholz, Sylka" and Collection = Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt
jump to filter-options- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyEveryday Heroism in the United States, Germany, and Britain, 1800-2015Wendt, Simon (Ed.)Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20161110
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyHegemoniale Männlichkeiten vom Mittelalter bis heuteDinges, Martin (Ed.)Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20051010
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyFeministische Kritik und AneignungLandweer, Hilge (Ed.) ; Newmark, Catherine (Ed.)Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20181108
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyFeministische Kritik und AneignungLandweer, Hilge (Ed.) ; Newmark, Catherine (Ed.)Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20181108