2 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Wenzel, Olivia" and Collection = Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt

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  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Wenzel, Olivia
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20200304
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Jeß, Caren ; Mujila, Fiston Mwanza ; Önder, Yade Yasemin ; Richter, Falk ; Rietzschel, Lukas ; Wenzel, Olivia ; Emmerling, Friederike (Ed.) ; Franke, Oliver (Ed.) ; Lieven, Stefanie (Ed.) ; Neu, Barbara (Ed.) ; Walther, Bettina (Ed.)
    1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20211027