3049 Results for Year = "2020" and Collection = Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt
jump to filter-options- The document is publicly available on the WWW.DZ BankFrankfurt am Main : DZ BANK AG, Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, 2018 [?]-
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.DZ-Bank-GruppeFrankfurt am Main : DZ BANK AG, Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, 2018 [?]-
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.DZ-Bank-GruppeFrankfurt am Main : DZ BANK AG, Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, 2018 [?]-
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.Klima-Bündnis Europäischer Städte mit den Indigenen Völkern der Regenwälder zum Erhalt der ErdatmosphäreFrankfurt am Main : Klima-Bündnis, 2017/2018 [?]-
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly100 Fragen aus 20 Jahren CoachingHinnen, Roy1, Frankfurt am Main : Sportwelt Verlag, 2020
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyRomanWenzel, Olivia1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20200304
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.Vernetzen - Bündeln - Themen setzen in FrankfurtRheinMainWittwer, JuliaFrankfurt am Main : KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain gGmbHGeschäftsführerinSabine von Bebenburg, 2020
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyRomanRuff, Matt ; Jordan, Alexandra1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20201101
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyDer Tag, an dem die Welt stehen bliebZuckoff, Mitchell ; Schnettler, Tobias1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20200226
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyel habla de negro en la literatura del XVI, imitación de una realidad lingüísticaSantos Morillo, AntonioMadrid/Frankfurt : Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft, 202005
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.Bursian, Dirk ; Goldbach, Stefan ; Jochem, Axel ; Nagengast, Arne ; Schön, Matthias ; Stähler, Nikolai ; Vetlov, Igor ; Deutsche Bundesbank (Ed.)Frankfurt am Main : Deutsche Bundesbank, 2020
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyKeller, FranzFrankfurt am Main : Westend Verlag GmbH, 2020
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyHürlimann, Thomas1. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main : FISCHER E-Books, 20200923
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyMartínez-Acacio, ElenaMadrid/Frankfurt : Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft, 202005
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyWarum wir eine neue ökonomische Vernunft brauchenDueck, GunterFrankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20200408
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlySozial-ökologische Transformationskonflikte um Energie und MobilitätDörre, Klaus (Ed.) ; Holzschuh, Madeleine (Ed.) ; Köster, Jakob (Ed.) ; Johanna, Sittel (Ed.)Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 2020
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyOffenbach-KrimiFiedler, Thorsten1, Frankfurt : mainbook, 2020
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlySack, Fritz ; Joas, Hans (Ed.) ; Mau, Steffen (Ed.)4., Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 20200721
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlySack, Fritz ; Joas, Hans (Ed.) ; Mau, Steffen (Ed.)Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 2020
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyExperimental determination and modelling of passive acoustic properties of turbochargersFrankfurt am Main : FVV e.V. // Science for a moving society, 2020