8 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Richter, Martin" and Collection = Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt
jump to filter-options- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyDie Finanzkrise und Hitlers AufstiegStraumann, Tobias ; Richter, MartinDarmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20200219
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyDie wahre Geschichte einer Mutter und der Plan, Hitler umzubringenBailey, Catherine ; Richter, MartinDarmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20200919
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyPius XI. und der geheime Pakt mit dem FaschismusKertzer, David ; Richter, MartinDarmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20160822
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyDie Umweltgeschichte des AnthropozänsHeadrick, Daniel ; Richter, Martin1., Darmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20210923
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyDie Umweltgeschichte des AnthropozänsHeadrick, Daniel ; Richter, MartinDarmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20210923
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyBiographie eines MassenmördersMarwell, David G. ; Richter, MartinDarmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20210315
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyIm Frauen-Konzentrationslager RavensbrückHelm, Sarah ; Richter, Martin ; Zettel, Annabel ; Sailer, MichaelDarmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20160119
- Accessible from one computer of the libraryonlyRasputin und das Ende der RomanowsSmith, Douglas ; Richter, Martin ; Hartz, Cornelius ; Rullkötter, BerndDarmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20171004