3 Results for Keyword = "Geschichte 1918-1933" and Collection = Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt

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  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Die Finanzkrise und Hitlers Aufstieg
    Straumann, Tobias ; Richter, Martin
    Darmstadt : wbg Theiss, 20200219
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Das Handbuch der Weimarer Republik
    Rossol, Nadine (Ed.) ; Ziemann, Benjamin (Ed.)
    Darmstadt : wbg Academic, 20210923
  •  Accessible from one computer of the libraryonly
    Oberst, Julia
    Darmstadt : wbg Academic, 20210414